Monday, March 2, 2009

Nonresponsive Among Us, City of Reno Nevada, Alex Woodley, John Hestor, Joe Henry, Charles McNeeley

Whistle-blowing and asking how do I get a sweet job where I get paid for NOT doing my job, and telling a Reno resident “you’re that bitch”?

Many stories have come in to me since I started this Among Us series. Sally Lovitt of the City of Reno Community Development, 775.334.3074 said to a Reno resident “you’re that bitch.” The resident asked who her boss was and for their telephone number. “Alex Woodley, 334-2550” was the answer. 334-2550 is NOT Alex Woodley’s telephone number. That is the number of the Reno Police Department (RPD) who laughed when the resident called it for Alex Woodley after telling the dispatcher that was the number Sally Lovitt had given them.

The RPD gave the correct number, 334-2220, to the resident. However, in spite of a dozen or more attempts, Alex Woodley’s 334-2220 was NEVER answered NOR will it take a message as its’ voicemail is “full.” His manager, John Hestor, 334-2435, also never answers his phone, and did NOT return the dozen or so messages left him. Dawn, 334-4273, finally got tired of the repeated messages left and brought in a “Napolean.” Then a Joe Henry, 334-2360, got involved. He made a commitment to check and call back but didn’t. He got mad when confronted that he also wasn’t keeping his commitments nor returning his calls.

How do I get a sweet job where I get paid for NOT doing my job, and calling a Reno resident “you’re that bitch”?

To me, gloating promoters of the Information Age all too often forget that knowledge has always been about connecting people and their behaviors, not just in collecting information. There has been and continues to be a democratic demand for more relevancy and currency in people’s and organization’s behaviors, and to holding people and organizations accountable for their conduct.I believe that the Internet, the servant to a Knowledge Economy, is the true democratic voice of facts and free speech beliefs. Using the Internet to do a search is simply a reversion to the search of any life for credentials and integrity of another’s life.

Most have access to a computer. Public schools and libraries have free public computer access and training. Most can now instantly post previously hidden facts and their free speech opinions, and access others’ post of previously hidden, even deliberately suppressed, facts and free speech opinions. Happenings and ideology that previously would never have been disseminated are now readily found with a simple Google search. A Google search is just a search for credentials and integrity.

The result is that individuals and organizations are suddenly finding their previously hidden illegal, corrupt, lazy, or immoral behaviors, and their secrets, avarice, cravings, or even mistakes, suddenly and rightfully very publicly front and center on the Internet. Integrity, or its’ lack, is immediately exposed in a simple Google search.Harmful behaviors that once were self-servingly known then to be ephemeral, and smugly relied on by the licentious perpetuators to be such, are now instantly available for analysis and judgement in the permanence the of the Internet. In response, evil raises its specious clamor when it finds itself suddenly and rightfully in the expose spotlight of the Internet. Once exposed, evil then aggressively applies its Unclean Hands to spurious ridicule and makes heavy-handed, manipulative intentionally damaging legal threats of, or illegally pursues, defamation to brutally and wrongly silence the dissemination of facts and muzzle free speech beliefs. The Internet though, has rightfully, quietly and powerfully abdicated the corrupt in its’ contemptuous and former commanding amoral influence in silencing facts and free speech beliefs.

Sources: Reno residents’ complaints, City of Reno Codes.

Reinventing Knowledge, Ian F. McNeely & Lisa Wolverton

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