Monday, March 2, 2009

Cheaters Among Us, James "Jim" K. Olson

Mick Jagger “I believe there can be no evolution without revolution. Why should we try to fit in?”

The Rolling Stones were the “bad boys” of rock . They advocated sexual freedom, for them not women, drugs, for all, and violence, only against others as they whipped an audience to out-of-control in 1969 at Altamont and a fan was murdered while they performed Sympathy for the Devi l. Out of this attitude came the term “happening .” A happening is a multi-media event. It is the modern theater and performance art. It combines theater, music and visual stimuli and is dependent on many improvisations from not only the performers, but the audience as well. I preferred the acid rock of Jimi Hendrix and his stirringly patriotic psychedelic blues rendition of the American Anthem Star Spangled Banner; Jefferson Airplane and Grace Slick singing in 1967 White Rabbit ; Quicksilver Messenger Service’s , What About Me ?; and the Beatles 1967 Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band and 1969 Abbey Road . Then and today it is still Country Joe and the Fish ’s Feel Like I'm Fixing To Die Rag .

Music I thought a lot about while I was in Nam. In 1970 and 1971, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison died, all three at the same age of 27. When I came back home to San Francisco, the theme of madness and death I saw in Nam became foggy. Then arrived Pink Floyd’s 1973 Dark Side of the Moon . It deservedly stayed in the Top 40 a record 751 weeks. In 1980, Pink Floyd released their equally profound The Wall . That was also the year one James “Jim” K. Olson arrived in Marin County , California. Per the public records in Reno and Marin County, California courts, CV 070655, are copies of Farmers homeowners’ insurance documents verifying homeowners’ insurance fraud. In fall 2000; one James K. Olson applied for homeowners insurance with Teixeira Farmers Insurance in Carson City, Nevada.

The documents James K. Olson signed had that Mr. James “Jim” K. Olson obtained homeowners insurance for 13870 Mt. Babcock St., Reno, Nevada 89506. Mr. James “Jim” K. Olson certified in those documents that his wife was one Morgan Olson, and 13870 Mt. Babcock St., Reno, Nevada 89506 was his primary address.

In April 2002, the same Mr. & Mrs. James K. Olson obtained landlord’s insurance from the same Teixera Farmers Insurance when they bought 5242 Echo Ave., Reno, NV 89506. Today, according to the Washoe County public records, they still jointly own that Reno property through their Nevada Living Trust .

In spring 2007, Mrs. James “Jim” K. Olson filed for a divorce in Reno from James K. Olson. Mrs. Olson had received a telephone call in early October 2006 that her husband had just died in Marin County, California. Mr. James “Jim” K. Olson, very much alive though, but now caught in bigamy , quickly made an amazing claim in light of his signed in 2000 Farmers homeowners insurance documents. James “Jim” K. claimed that he was now married in Marin County, California “a couple of years” to another, divorced from the Reno Mrs. Olson since July 1996, and has never lived in Reno.

In Mr. James “Jim” K. Olson’s now claimed July 1996 “divorce” he failed to pay Mrs. Olson $15,000 for community property probably because as he admitted in various Reno court papers, he had reconciled with her in Reno in July 1996. In summer 2000, Mr. James “Jim” K. Olson signed purchase documents, then forged his Reno wife’s name, to their purchase of a car he bought in Marin County. Four witnesses testified in the Reno court in spring 2007 of the Olson’s almost 12-year husband and wife relationship in Reno up through September 2006. They were the Mr. & Mrs. James “Jim” K. Olson’s several years mechanic and owner of Hogan’s Carb & Tune , Sheri a clerk from Greater Nevada Credit Union , Josh Neel one of their tenants, and a client.

Since Mr. James “Jim” K. Olson has chosen to claim no marriage to the Reno Mrs. Olson since July 1996, and of having never lived in Reno, then Mr. James “Jim” K. Olson’s signed by him Farmer’s Reno homeowners insurance documents are frauds and a felony.

For details beyond the Reno homeowners’ insurance fraud, see Cindy’s Now You Call It Madness , in the San Francisco BrooWaha . I like segue and elliptical so I’m looking forward to the art movie of it all as the poignancy of the profound insights into this labyrinthine relationship has not escaped me. Jerry Goldsmith , who scored the music for the films Chinatown and LA Confidential , would have been the one for its musical score. I think of its musical score with its themes, a concept derived from Richard Wagner’s use of leitmotifs in his operas. Something along the lines of the musical themes in the James Bond and Pink Panther films.

“Just listen with the vastness of the world in mind. You can’t fail to get the message.” Pierre Boulez

The cartoon is from: Stu's Views

1 comment:

  1. Californicating Nevada - How Nevada Gets The California Boot. In my research, I found that the Reno Mrs. Olson is not compulsive, delusional or obsessive. Rather what I found is puzzling, saddening and infuriating that law and justice are arbitrary, changeable, susceptible to the lies and deceit of lawyers and the whims of the judges, defined by mere commercial expediency. Surely the world is ran by higher priorities than deceit and whims and California’s commerce?

    Surely it not. Why should anybody be allowed to retain obsolete fashion? Truth and justice must go. They went. California’s commerce and conversance must be served. Lawyers and judges are whores.

    The Reno Mrs. Olson protested mightily. But there is a war on, don’t you know? Mr. James “Jim” K. Olson’s War. Mr. Olson’s War to impose silence, destruction, death and annihilation on his Reno Mrs. Olson. Mr. Olson’s conflict is desperate. Evidence for the justification for Mr. Olson’s War is non-existent, but anything can be put over by deceitful smug lawyers when there is a lazy, corrupt, unpatriotic or incompetent judge.

    You listening Nevadan Judge Frances Doherty and Carol Cook? Judge Frances Doherty and Carol Cook are the lazy, corrupt, unpatriotic or incompetent Reno Californicated judges that both threw a Nevada citizen to the California whores and under the wheels of the California bus (DV 07-00352 and FV 07-00748). Let’s see if Reno Nevadan Judge Brent Adams or Judge Greg W. Zive are as lazy, corrupt, unpatriotic or incompetent Californicators (CV 08-01067 and BK 08-51146). You listening Nevadan Judge Brent Adams? You listening Nevadan Judge Greg W. Zive? You listening Nevadans Judge Frances Doherty and Carol Cook?

    With great amusement do I point out that Mr. James “Jim” K. Olson hides his bigamy, Reno Nevada homeowners and landlord’s insurance, Nevada Trust, Reno Nevada ownership of house, etc. under his hairshirt. Mr. James “Jim” K. Olson emphasizes his lie he’s an innocent victim rather than the truth. Jim Olson and his Marin County, California lawyer buddies, Steven T. Schoonover and Michael B. Samuels victimized the Reno Mrs. Olson, forging her into a twisted bogeyman. Mr. James “Jim” K. Olson’s California lawyer buddies, Steven T. Schoonover and Michael B. Samuels, kept whipping the disobedient Reno Mrs. Olson into judicial line when she failed to follow their orders to just shut up and go quietly away.

    If Jim Olson’s California lawyer buddies, Steven T. Schoonover and Michael B. Samuels could convince the California courts to forcibly alter the truth would it also not compel their attack on a Nevada citizen, which the Reno Mrs. Olson was and is. You bet your life, reputation, sanity and finances it would. By now, Nevada’s wrinkled crones and cowlick hillbillies were not allowed to play in the California courts. Nevadans and the rest of America are just supposed to have been thoroughly Californicated. Is it not only desirable by Californians, but inevitable, that those who do not come in will be left out in the cold?

    I beg to differ. Come now, it’s really not all that chilly here in Nevada. Here in Nevada we still believe that the power of the legislator and judge is limited over the will and action of the people. Lessons anyone? The God of Californication is never sated is he? You listening Nevadan Judge Brent Adams? You listening Nevadan Judge Greg W. Zive? You listening Nevadans Judge Frances Doherty and Carol Cook? You listening Nevadans Judges Steve Elliott and Fidel Salcedo (enablers of Mortgage Fraudster Californian Californicator Keith W. Gledhill)?

    I remind Nevadan Judge Brent Adams, Nevadan Judge Greg W. Zive, Nevadans Judge Frances Doherty and Carol Cook, and Nevadans Judge Steve Elliott and Fidel Salcedo that there is only one policy and law compatible with a healthy Nevada family life. That is one of non-intervention from California and California residents who see our fine state of Nevada as a bunch only populated by the lazy, corrupt, unpatriotic or incompetent who can not govern or try Nevada’s own that Nevada has to demand that California do so for Nevada.

    Wrong. I despise California’s vulgar, home-wrecking and even attempted murderous intrusions in Nevada. It’s even more despicable when a Nevada hating Reno Judge, Frances Doherty, demands California courts judge Nevada citizens such as James “Jim” K. Olson and his Reno wife. Nevada Judges Brent Adams and Greg W. Zive, prove you are smarter and more patriotic of your home state of Nevada. Don’t let James “Jim” K. Olson Californicate you as he did Nevadan haters Judge Frances Doherty and Carol Cook. Or how Mortgage Fraudster California Keith W. Gledhill Californicated Nevada haters Reno Judges Steve Elliott and Fidel Salcedo. Nevadans Judge Frances Doherty and Carol Cook, go back and prove you are smarter and more patriotic of your home state of Nevada. Don’t let James “Jim” K. Olson and his Nevada hating lawyers John P. Springgate and Bridget Robb Californicate you anymore.

    The Internet has become a common ground for sharing viewpoints, both pro and con. As more people are tuned in to the electronic age it has become increasingly more difficult for the bad practices of any business, no matter how remote or small their marketplace is, to continue without being noticed, as has been the case until now. People of all levels and of experience have begun to share their opinions concerning the various pluses and minuses of various businesses and people. Many businesses and people are not coming out well in these news group discussions.

    To me, gloating promoters of the Information Age all too often forget that knowledge has always been about connecting people and their behaviors, not just in collecting information. There has been and continues to be a democratic demand for more relevancy and currency in people’s and organization’s behaviors, and to holding people and organizations accountable for their conduct.

    I believe that the Internet, the servant to a Knowledge Economy, is the true democratic voice of facts and free speech beliefs. Using the Internet to do a search is simply a reversion to the search of any life for credentials and integrity of another’s life.

    Most have access to a computer. Public schools and libraries have free public computer access and training. Most can now instantly post previously hidden facts and their free speech opinions, and access others’ post of previously hidden, even deliberately suppressed, facts and free speech opinions. Happenings and ideology that previously would never have been disseminated are now readily found with a simple Google search. A Google search is just a search for credentials and integrity.

    The result is that individuals and organizations are suddenly finding their previously hidden illegal, corrupt, lazy, or immoral behaviors, and their secrets, avarice, cravings, or even mistakes, suddenly and rightfully very publicly front and center on the Internet. Integrity, or its’ lack, is immediately exposed in a simple Google search.

    Harmful behaviors that once were self-servingly known then to be ephemeral, and smugly relied on by the licentious perpetuators to be such, are now instantly available for analysis and judgment in the permanence the of the Internet. In response, evil raises its specious clamor when it finds itself suddenly and rightfully in the expose spotlight of the Internet. Once exposed, evil then aggressively applies its Unclean Hands to spurious ridicule and makes heavy-handed, manipulative intentionally damaging legal threats of, or illegally pursues, defamation to brutally and wrongly silence the dissemination of facts and muzzle free speech beliefs. The Internet though, has rightfully, quietly and powerfully abdicated the corrupt in its’ contemptuous and former commanding amoral influence in silencing facts and free speech beliefs.

    James “Jim” K. Olson sources are

    Gun Controllers Among Us, Marin County California Courts,

    Flip Flop Rers Among Us, James K. Olson,

    Bigamists Among Us, Olson,

    Cheaters Among Us, Olson,

    Cold-Hearted Tricksters Among Us, James K. Olson,

    Insurance Fraudsters Among Us, James K. Olson,

    An Open Letter to The IRS About James K. Olson,

    The Dishonorable Lazy, Incompetent, Ignorant or Corrupted Reno Judge Frances Doherty?

    Keith W. Gledhill sources are NRS 645, NAC 645, National Association of Realtors’ Code of Ethics, Reno Justice Court, Washoe County District Court public records, O & A, Nona Hester letter, Carol Gates, Leon Leeper, and Buddy Wright.

    Cheaters Among Us, Riley,

    Heroes Among Us, Broch,

    Is Your Lender A Patriot Or Terrorist?,

    Greedheads Among Us, Gledhill,

    Heroes Among Us, Houk,

    Culprits Among Us, Clark,

    Cheaters Among Us, Barry,

    Bullies Among Us, Mapes,

    Cheaters Among Us, Homier,

    Cheaters Among Us, Kings,

    Zeroes Among Us, Scheible,

    Cheaters Among Us, Maree,

    Cheaters Among Us, Gledhill,

    Good Guys Don't Have Degrees Of Integrity

    Image from
