Monday, March 2, 2009

Cheaters Among Us, Jurie Maree

When male Easter bunnies lay Easter eggs.

According to Arizona public records, in 2004, one Mr. Jurie Maree lived at 15740 E Mustang Dr., Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. According to the public records of the Reno Justice Court, his Realtor, one Keith W. Gledhill of Prudential Nevada Realty wrote in a 2004 e-mail that “Yurie needs to purchase a primary residence in Reno, re-fi his existing home in Arizona, declare it a second home start claiming the room mates contribution as a rental income (although his income will may be too high to depreciate on an annual basis) (we may be able to get is effective income below the threshold using the houses to reduce the tax liability).” What Mr. Keith W. Gledhill was writing about was home loan and income tax fraud as Mr. Jurie Maree would be a straw buyer for fraudulent use of a home loan.

Mr. Keith W. Gledhill was then recycling a pre-SEC ploy favored by well-financed selling to the dumbest. He manipulated the Reno real estate market just like Cornelius Vanderbilt and Daniel Drew had done with stocks when they “painted the tape.” By connivance and chicanery they, and others like them, launched a bull or bear run, driving stock prices up or down. “Paint the tape” was manipulators playing to the dumb, buying blocks of shares that caused the price to rise and convinced the dumb public to buy. The dumb was those wanna be neighborhood tycoons whose favorite pastime was tickertape reading. When they saw the sudden increase in price, they bought to go along for the ride. Their ride was always rigged for self-destruct though. “Of course, what everyone knows isn’t worth knowing.” – Gerald Loeb

Mr. Keith W. Gledhill’s clients, in their induced by Mr. Keith W. Gledhill, burning desire to acquire houses, forgot two important rules. The first is never trust the advice of someone who makes a commission off doing business with you. The larger the purchase price, the larger Mr. Keith W. Gledhill’s commission. There was nothing to justify the extravagant house prices Mr. Gledhill talked everyone in to. The second is that it is always in the rarified atmosphere of confidence and invincibility that disaster strikes and wealth vanishes – Marc Faber.

Suckers such as Mr. Keith W. Gledhill’s clients pushed the house prices up to where Mr. Keith W. Gledhill sold his Britannia property. Per Washoe County public records, on October 24, 2005, Keith & Jennifer Gledhill flipped/sold 5611 Britannia Dr., Reno, NV 89523. Mr. Keith W. Gledhill took his profits after using his clients to create them, then left his clients twisting on his sword bloodied with his client’s wounds of their losses.

The same ploy was used in 1929 with RCA stock. Hustlers in that con included Walter Chrysler of Chrysler and Charles Schwab of U.S. Steel, grandfather of discount stock broker Charles Schwab. Dean Witter then sent an inter-office memo in April 1929 that stocks were being bought without regard to “value, earning power and dividends, present and prospective. They were buying stocks only because they hoped they would go higher.”
Per Washoe County public records November 11, 2004, Mr. Jurie Maree purchased 2715 Snow Partridge Dr., Reno, NV 89523. The purchase included a fraudulent Owner Occupant Deed signed by Mr. Jurie Maree as his mailing address remained 15740 E Mustang Dr., Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 and the public records have an owner occupant loan on that Arizona property as of April 15, 2003.

Aside from the mortgage fraud under Title 18, United States Code, Section 1014 , there are also the felonies of Mail Fraud, Bank Fraud, Wire Fraud, Conspiracy and Money Laundering.

Frenetic Funnies

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